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Five ways to save energy in Summer

Summer can be a time where your energy usage soars. We turn up the air conditioning both day and night, we spend more time at home while the kids are…

Does your smoke alarm need replacing?

Smoke alarms only have a lifespan of just ten years, so chances are if you can’t remember the last time you changed yours or when it was installed, you need…

What causes a power outage?

  Luckily, power outages in Hornsby, the North Shore and surrounds are pretty few and far between. But when they do happen, they occur without any waning and catch us…
Tree branches near powerlines

Trimming branches around powerlines

Blog, Services
Do you have trees near your power lines that need trimming? Removing branches and vegetation near powerlines can be dangerous and should not be attempted yourself.  As a homeowner, you are…

Landscape lighting

Blog, Services
Spring is around the corner marking the beginning of warmer weather and a great time of year for entertaining outside. It’s the perfect time to organise the right outdoor lighting…